Indraadnan's Comments

Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 18:27 on February 16, 2015, Janet Stead said…

Advocate of soft power and heard Radio4 programme, so here I am 

At 18:25 on February 16, 2015, Janet Stead said…

Hi Indra, great to connect with you.. Have been an advocate of Soft Power for sometime and was listening to Radio4 programme talking about its virtues so here I am, J 

At 0:02 on June 19, 2013, Jennyfer Salvo Cofman said…

Hi Indra, I am glad I got to coonect with you. I have been trying to preach about public diplomacy and softpower in Chile. There is space for that, specially with the polical challenges. MB is leading, but there are still many steps to take.

I will let you know...




At 4:47 on September 1, 2012, Muhammad Tarique said…


Thank you very much for the induction. It is amazing that such a fabulous personalities like Jake Lynch have already been joining the network. I'll keep in touch to make the forum interesting enough fro all respectable members. Lot of prayers for its flourishing to the best extent. Moreover, it's all much shocking fro me to have had ended up the "Peace & conflict Studies", but it is the same time joy to have this one. In this digital age  keeping oneself most updated and precise is difficult but important so if contents of a site can fulfill the needs of a person then how blessed it's all.

At 23:55 on April 28, 2010, Agnes Agyepong said…
Hey Indra, thanks for the welcome :). Sure, i'll write a blog post by the weekend and email it to you. xx
At 12:51 on November 27, 2009, Nick said…
Thank you Indraadnan,

The thought of an old friend arose in my mind and I noticed them on this site. I subscribed to make contact with them but I found an alternative means. I will brouse your site in time. Thank you kindly for your warm welcome.
At 17:12 on November 23, 2009, Charlie O'Malley said…
I am a subscriber to Enlightennext and occassional visitor to The Window. Never been on an Andrew Cohen retreat - though would like to when I have a bit more time on my hands!

I live in Gloucestershire, so getting involved in regular London events can be a bit challenging.
At 15:56 on November 23, 2009, Charlie O'Malley said…
Could be. If you let me know a bit more, I can let you know in what ways I might be able to help.

On a separate note, I found this article on non-violence to be particularly interesting on the subject of power vs force.
At 14:53 on November 23, 2009, Charlie O'Malley said…
The big thing for me is "changing the story that shapes our culture". So I agree - we need to change the narrative.
At 13:24 on November 23, 2009, John Kavanagh said…
Wow, that is a coincidence. I saw this Jeff Koons piece at the Pop Life exhibition at the Tate Modern 2 weeks ago. Thanks for the welcome.
At 13:20 on November 23, 2009, Charlie O'Malley said…
I feel that conventional politics is stuck in out-moded structures, that are too adversarial. I exercise my politics more in terms of how I shop, what causes I support, and where I invest my energy in terms of my working life - where I am largely drawn towards individual and collaborative action through mission-driven business / social entrepreneurship. Buckminster Fuller said that "to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." I agree. How about you?
At 12:58 on November 23, 2009, Charlie O'Malley said…
Hi Indra - on the wall of my office I have a picture of Wenceslas Square in Prague with the words "The Power of the Powerless" over the top. This refers to an essay written in the 1970s by Vaclav Havel, which has been an inspiration to me over the years. It is about the importance of standing up for the truth even in the face of appartently insurmountable odds - and about the power of the truth to conquer lies. This for me is what soft power is about - how integrity, commitment and perseverance can win the day.
At 8:51 on April 15, 2009, Nigel Singer said…
Hi Indra
soft power for me is very resonant of many years of aikido practice. In aikido agency comes about as a consequence of ease and relaxation combined with good attention to what is happening around you.
The link to my day to day life was very strong, it didn't all have to be fight, flight or freeze, if I was able to relax and centre I could also flow.
lots more to say and i will try and say it when I have a bit more time
At 16:22 on April 9, 2009, Indu Khurana said…
Hiya Indra this is a lovely little gem you've created! Lots of interesting sounding people too. Well done.

Thanks for the pointers - will look into them.
Keep well.
At 16:23 on April 8, 2009, Louise Rose said…
Hi Indra

Many thanks for your welcome.
Yes - Bristol is a great city - lots of creative minds here.
My upbringing was very politicised, and I have in some ways distanced myself from this. I'll be interested in checking out the website you recommended though.
My work is rooted in both the analytical (honed during a maths degree) and the intuitive (still being honed through a regular meditation / yoga practise).
I see my lifes work as being, connecting people to their deeper truth - and then making their business decisions from this place. With the intention that their decisions will more likely be in harmony with the 'greater good', be more genuinely ethical.
I want to work with the big corporates (I'm fascinated by power!), where there are significant points of leverage.

Look forward to exploring this network more.
All the best
At 12:00 on March 4, 2009, Caroline Jaine said…
Great...lots to talk about for sure. I am also developing some exciting new training...Are you free next week at all - maybe Friday?
At 11:57 on February 16, 2009, Garfield said…
Hi Indra,
For me soft power says that many of us can achieve things in our lives and our creeers without needing having to have hierarchy, wealth or position in order make that change happen. My guess is that the most 'effective' people are in fact the people who somehow tap into their soft power be that conciously or not!

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